Gems of the Scandinavian Fjells
This particular tour takes place during late spring and visits Norwegian and Swedish fjells and forests. Hopping from one area to another, we visit each landscape home to its own striking mammal and bird species: Muskox, Arctic Fox, Siberian Jay, Long-tailed Skua and a lek of Great Snipe. All these species and areas in one trip makes for a truly unique combination in European ecotourism with very good photograpic opportunities.
- ©Bruno_Peeters
- ©Bruno_Peeters
- ©Jan_Kelchtermans
- ©Pieter-Jan D’Hondt
- ©Bruno_Peeters
- ©Pieter-Jan D’Hondt
- ©Pieter-Jan D’Hondt
- ©Bruno_Peeters
- ©Bruno_Peeters
- ©Bruno_Peeters
- ©Karl VanGinderdeuren
- ©Jan_Kelchtermans
A Norwegian national park located in the high mountain area of Dovre and Sunndalsfjella preserving an intact alpine ecosystem. It is a core area for Wild Reindeer, one of the main reasons for the creation and demarcation of the protected areas in Dovre. Key parts of the park host population of Musk Ox and Polar Fox.
Lake Ånnsjön
The lake and its surroundings are breeding grounds for species exclusive to the Scandinavian mountain range including a lek of Great Snipes. The Great Snipes arrives to the mountains surrounding Lake Ånnsjön in mid May. They begin playing immediately and do so very intensively until mid June. Amongst others, more common species are Willow Grouse, Bluethroat, Dunlin and at higher altitude Dotterel, Lapland Bunting, Long-tailed Skua. Also Hawk Owl, Three-toed Woodpecker, Capercaillie and Siberian Jay are resident in the area.
Härjedalen province
Spending the night in a cabin with good chances to watch and photograph European brown bear and with luck even Wolverine main reason to visit this area. Nearby NP’s Sonfjallet, Fullufjallet host familiar species as those mentioned near lake Ånnsjön
Nicknamed as ‘the Oslo loop’, this tour starts and ends in Oslo, Norway.
- ©Bruno_Peeters
- ©Bruno_Peeters
- ©Bruno_Peeters
- ©Esbjorn Nordlund
- ©Kristof Goemaere
- ©Pieter-Jan D’Hondt
- ©Jan_Kelchtermans
- ©Jan_Kelchtermans
- ©Jan_Kelchtermans