Main philosophy

Besides the fact that some striking mammals are the prime focus of our tours other wildlife gets full attention and are all part of our intineraries. In general the strategy we use the most is scanning from vantage points in core areas to increase encounters with target species. Where available, necessary or required, we also use hides and blinds, gypsy safaris and active walks are all other options to assure sightings.
Organised tours always focus on several main targets so giving them a dual nature and purpose. Besides several targets for every tour efforts are made regarding the best logistics and catering. A nice bed, good meals and transportation are as important as good observations of the target(s). One can’t exist without the other and vice versa. All tours are well prepared in advance. The group size is always related to the target and will never be larger than 6 to 8 people. Enjoying pristine nature and wildlife while feeling comfortable is one of the main goals of EB5.
Three different global concepts
Fixed departures

The classic tour concept of fixed departures with everything organised by us. Due to Belgian tourist travel restrictions we are obligated to rely on an offical licensed travel agent when offering this type of tour service. In practice this means we run such tours in partnership with a Belgian travel agent. In the past we have had such partnerships with Belgian agencies called JokerReizen and StarlingReizen. In the future we may use other agencies.
In fact from now on we will choose these agents at random to keep EB5 completely exclusive and without obligations or limitations connected to any single agency. By doing this different agencies can utilise our expertise if they choose to organise an EB5 related tour for their clients.
Knowing this, EB5 offers a wealth of organized tours to observe Europe’s big five: Bear, Wolf, Lynx, Wolverine and European Bison. Further more EB5 organise and run tours outside Europe for some other striking mammal species for example Snow Leopard and Bengal Tiger. CALENDER gives you an idea where and when we go!
Tailor made

Freelance professional guidance. Doing it this way you can rely on an EB5 guide being experienced in the field and familiar in core areas and with the related target species.
This type of service is better suited to small, independent well traveled groups and/or travel agents. Besides offering this service successfully for several private groups, several international agencies have applied to us for our expertise and guidance in the field.
Tour advice

Planning your personal intineraries. Having run several tours a multiple of times, we are very familiar with all trip related ground agents and logistics for hotels, local bars, restaurants etc etc.
Choosing this concept saves you a lot of time in doing research work and planning in advance. More over, with EB5 informing you about when and where to go and other essential information you won’t waste time and will avoid trial and error in the field.
Camera symbols

Where you see a camera symbol alongside the tour drawing/description this means that, in the main, it is a photographic wildlife tour, for example, the Svalbard scooter tour. So the tour focus is on wildlife photography. While on such a tour, it’s obvious that more time will be spent in the field during periods related with prime light conditions for photography. Also the use of blinds of course something related with these type of tours. Undoubtedly these tours offer greater opportunities for those people more devoted to photography.
Tour drawings/descriptions lacking this camera symbol, the tour focus is on wildlife watching but with good opportunities for photography, for example, the Finland mid summer large carnivore tour. Without doubt, these tours for those being handy and quick with their camera and satisfied with push and shoot pics directly on the scene!
Europe’s Big 5 (EB5) Wildlife Tour Guide
- Jan Kelchtermans
Jan Kelchtermans
Founder of Europe’s Big 5 wildlife tour company and EB5 website.
Tour organiser, co-ordinator, administrator and main contact. Experienced EB5 wildlife guide.