Bieszczady: Europe’s stronghold n°1 for iconic predators!

The relatively poorly known Bieszczady Mountains remain a wild and remote wilderness home to some of Europe’s most exciting wildlife. Utilising two centres in 2019 – with some nights in the heart of the national park and others in prime mammal habitat just outside – was again the key to success in finding and watching an extravaganza of local wildlife. Open meadows inside forested areas are a magnet to resident ungulates and carnivores . Overlooking such areas in the early morning or during the last hour of daylight is, for example, prime time to see a herd of European Bison or patrolling Wolves. 

 Staying and watching at twilight revealed predators on the scene too! In 2019, as in previous years, several participants have succeeded in seeing wildcats, wolves, bears and lynx – occasionally more than once! More over, there were opportunities to watch predators from a purpose built hide which is also perfectly designed for photography. We also frequently came across wildlife by just cruising the roads – animals can pop up anywhere!

Several participants have been fortunate to witness shy, iconic carnivores going about their business at very close range, showing a unique insight into their lives. The series of accompanied photos do not need further comment…

To end: winter wonderland exists in Bieszczady too!